Teksten kan være relevant, f.eks. når der henvises til gamle overenskomster
ConCrit 27. maj-29. maj
Tilskud til ConCrit
Kære LFS medlemmer
LFS’ hovedbestyrelse har bevilliget økonomi til at 25 medlemmer af LFS kan deltage i ConCrit i Berlin den 27. - 29. maj 2011.
Hver deltager vil få 1.500 kr. til dækning af fly og hotel. Selve konferencen er gratis at deltage i. Se endvidere hjemmesiden http://www.concrit.org/ConCrit/HOME.html (link er ikke længere aktivt, red)
Temaet i år er modstand og civil ulydighed.
Ansøgning af tilskud til deltagelse i ConCrit den 27. - 29. maj 2011 fra LFS’ hovedbestyrelsespulje skal sendes til: Jan Hoby: jaho@foa.dk
Deadline er mandag den 7. marts
We invite you to participate in a twoday international meeting/ conference with discussions and analyses of trends in pedagogy and educational policy. The participation is free of charge. The meeting will be held in an unconventional set up and serves the purpose of establishing international networks for the introduction and development of critical and alternative ideas and thoughts on pedagogical institutions and national educational systems.
Workshops powered by participants constitute the backbone of the conference. Look for more information on the web site www.concrit.org (link er ikke længere aktivt, red)
The network consists of practitioners, educators, researchers, advisers from local municipalities and non governmental organisations and trade union activists. All network members are engaged in the field of early childhood and take an interest in small children’s institutions and the pedagogical professions. The network has two main purposes. First it is a space where the members can exchange knowledge, identify actual tendencies in the field, try out critical ideas and develop alternative solutions. Second the network contributes to national and international debates through different kinds of events.
We are witnessing a combination of neo-liberal marketized solutions to educational problems and neo-conservative returns to higher standards. Many practitioners, philosophers and researchers around Europe are concerned about these trends. There is a general impression that techniques of accountability, measurement and “management” are increasing while the pedagogical opportunities are being limited and that we are seeing an unfortunate standardisation taking place.
The pedagogical environments of Europe are able to provide much more than that, which is what Europe needs:
– Is pedagogics the victim of a global competitive trend?
– Do political trends contribute to turning pedagogics into a technical quick fix?
– And do we narrow down childhood to a question of skills as a result of the policy pursued?
– Are the European democracies moving away from the idea of providing general education on a broad basis in favour of a kind of thinking dictated by the needs of the educational institutions?
Therefore, it is time to take the international perspective seriously and to stage discussions that invite broader reflection and analysis in addition to strengthening the democratic dialogue between the populations of Europe. For this reason, we invite you to take part in this unconventionally organized conference.
Participation in the meeting is free of charge.
Please register at:www.concrit.org (link er ikke længere aktivt, red)
Here you will find most information.
If you are a ph.d. student and want to use the opportunity to present your research it will be possible either as a wall paper in relation to speakers corner or as a presentation in one of the thematic groups. Let us know about your plans. Networking is in focus so forward this invitation to colleagues and friends who might be interested. Let us know about networks or organizations with similar interests and purposes.